Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Target Launches Premium Pet Food Label

Target Corporation (NYSE:TGT) announced today the launch of a 'super-premium' private label pet food, firmly placing itself as a competitor to PetSmart and Petco in the pet food and supplies category.

According to the company press release, 'The LIFELong line of pet food features five scientific formulas, each offering high-quality protein such as real lamb and chicken; antioxidants such as vitamins E and C and selenium; omega fatty acids such as linoleic acid, and other premium ingredients. Designed to provide unconditional pet nutrition, LIFELong pet foods help to support healthy immune systems and cardiovascular health, promote strong muscles, bones and teeth, freshen breath and maintain visibly healthy coats' (source: target.com).

Related posts:
Jun 2005: Target Pets TV Ad Campaign
Apr 2005: Target Unleashes Pet Website

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Saturday, February 18, 2006

Small Dogs Gaining Popularity

New American Kennel Club (AKC) data for 2005 show that small dogs are getting big respect. Labs and retreivers are still the number one and two most popular purebred, but the registration numbers for retrievers declined while Yorkshire terriers gained 9% to reach the number three spot (Pets: My Little Puppy, by Elise Soukup, Newsweek, Feb. 20, 2006).

Small dogs featured prominently at the Westminster Kennel Club Show, apparently behaving better than the people, as reported by David Segal in the Washington Post (Humans Unleashed, Washington Post, Feb. 16, 2006).

And the Financial Times recently reported on the rising popularity of 'designer' dogs in Australia, where the popular Labradoodle (Labrador x Poodle) was developed in the 1970s to create a non-allergenic service dog. Currently, most of the popular crossbreed canines are small, including bichoodles, schnoodles, spoodles, roodles, shih-poos, and puggles (Pug x Jack Russell), and come at a premium price even compared to purebreds ('All the Rage in Australia,' by Rebecca Tse, Financial Times, Oct 22, 2005).

Marketing Research Report:
Check out the Pet Industry Strategic Outlook by Dillon Media.
